---------------------------------- DTools 2.0 - Components for Delphi ---------------------------------- Here are a bunch of components I hope you will find useful. I have included the source for the component registration (DTOOLS.PAS) so you can customize which components to load and which page on the toolbar they will reside on. I have also included help and keyword files. -------- The Team -------- Tim Noonan Everything except the segmented LED and analog clock components Todd DeBerry Segmented LED and Analog Clock components Rob Skyler Testing and design ------------------- DTools Installation ------------------- Component Installation: * Choose Install Components from the Options menu * Choose Add * Choose Browse * Select DTOOLS.PAS from the directory you put DTOOLS in * Choose OK and wait * There will now be a DTools page on your component page Help File Installation: * Make sure Delphi is NOT running * Put DTOOLS.HLP where Delphi can find it (ie. \DELPHI\BIN, along the PATH) * Run the HelpInst application that came with Delphi * Open DELPHI.HDX (This will be in \DELPHI\BIN for a normal installation) * Choose Add Keyword File from the Keywords menu * Select DTOOLS.KWF (Putting DTOOLS.KWF in the \DELPHI\HELP directory will make your life easier if you need to run HelpInst in the future) * Choose Save from the File menu and wait ------------------ DTools Source Code ------------------ After the 1.0 release, I got tons of requests for the source code. I am now making the source code available - use the form in ORDER.TXT. ----------------------------- Distribution, Licensing, etc. ----------------------------- These components are freeware. You can use these components in your own applications without royalties or licensing fees. Feel free to distribute this ZIP file to other on-line services, the Internet, your friends, etc., but please distribute the complete file. You may not sell these components (other than a nominal distribution fee). I have made every effort to ensure they are free of bugs, but you never know. Use them at your own risk! In other words - Do what you want with them, but don't blame me. All questions, comments and criticisms are welcome! Tim Noonan Compuserve ID: 75212,664 Internet 75212.664@compuserve.com -------------------- The Legal Disclaimer -------------------- THE INFORMATION AND CODE PROVIDED HEREUNDER (COLLECTIVELY REFERRED TO AS "SOFTWARE") IS PROVIDED AS IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL TIM NOONAN BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF TIM NOONAN HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES SO THE FOREGOING LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY.